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How to set preferences for forwarding user through code, I am able to get the details of the user currently set through get preference as below but need guidance on setting a new user
import sailpoint.object.Identity;
import sailpoint.object.Link;
import sailpoint.object.Filter;
import sailpoint.object.Attributes;
import sailpoint.object.QueryOptions;
import UIPreferences;
import sailpoint.object.*;
String username=“spadmin”;
Identity identity = context.getObjectByName(Identity.class,username);
System.out.println(" identity name passesd is " +username);
Map prefMap = identity.getPreferences();
String fwdIdentityName = prefMap.get(“forward”);
Date fwdIdentityStartDate = prefMap.get(“forwardStartDate”);
Date fwdIdentityEndDate = prefMap.get(“forwardEndDate”);
System.out.println(" forward name " +fwdIdentityName);
System.out.println(" forward start date " +fwdIdentityStartDate);
System.out.println(" forward end date " +fwdIdentityEndDate);
was able to achieve this through below code
Map prefMap = new HashMap();
// Add preferences to the map
prefMap.put(“forward”, “Arjun.Chabra”)
Attributes attrMap = new Attributes(prefMap);
@Deepamv77 This is already supported by OOB and it sets in Preferences. is there specific reason to set by custom code. Or you have some specific requirement ? if it’s showcase then post as show case.
Yes forwarding user information is getting written to a different access tool and we need to fetch that information and update in our SailPoint too , so was checking on this requirement through custom code.
Can you please tell me how to find the user who has forwarded?
Means lets say “USER1234” has set preference to “USER987”, and we know about “USER987” user only, then using the code how to get “USER1234” user?
In our scenario, we had the user updating the preference in different access tool system and we wanted that information to be updated in sailpoint system through api, so we had the information of the user who had set the preference.
We have exactly reversed use case where from a custom portal we are trying to find the requests which got assigned to the delegated person as the actual manager is on leave/vacation.