I am looking to get the details of the reassignment done by users during a certification. Comments seem to be mandatory when reassigning but I do not see those in any of the reports available. Additionally, it would be helpful to get the trail of the multiple reassignments made.
You’re going to find all that information in the list-identity-certifications API endpoint. Note that it’s not all going to be complete list in a single record. Let me explain.
I have a scenario where
All tasks were originally assigned to a single reviewer
All the tasks assigned to the original reviewer were reassigned to two new reviewers. We now have 3 total certifications that are being returned by the API
All the tasks assigned to one of the reviewers from step 2 were assigned to a new person. We now have 4 total certifications that are being returned by the API.
That information out of the way, you can find the information about the reassignment in each certification record. Here’s an example of the JSON returned for one of the certifications. Note that you see the original person it was assigned to, the new person it’s assigned to, and the comment about the reassignment
"campaign": {
"campaignType": "SEARCH",
"description": "2023 Q4 - Blue Prism",
"correlatedStatus": "CORRELATED",
"mandatoryCommentRequirement": "NO_DECISIONS",
"type": "CAMPAIGN",
"id": "f4fbad7684f34ea892dee72ff96117c3",
"name": "2023 Q4 - Blue Prism"
"completed": false,
"decisionsMade": 0,
"decisionsTotal": 34,
"due": "2023-11-24T14:01:51.091Z",
"signed": null,
"reviewer": {
"email": "[email protected]",
"type": "IDENTITY",
"id": "2c91808473a17e210173bab3bc745dba",
"name": "Megan R"
"reassignment": {
"from": {
"reviewer": {
"email": "[email protected]",
"type": "IDENTITY",
"id": "2c91808673a17cd50173baba7eff6318",
"name": "Colby A"
"id": "d48ae9ac3bcb4d9287e1049cb71e1502",
"name": "Reassignment from 'Identity Access Review for chk_admin' to Colby A"
"comment": "Needed for reassignment 2",
"reassignmentTrailDTOs": [
"previousOwner": "Colby A",
"newOwner": "Megan R",
"reassignmentType": "MANUAL_REASSIGNMENT"
"hasErrors": false,
"errorMessage": null,
"phase": "ACTIVE",
"identitiesCompleted": 0,
"identitiesTotal": 11,
"id": "346ec766f4f946ecbb44850901749b98",
"name": "Reassignment from 'Identity Access Review for chk_admin' to Megan R",
"created": "2023-11-01T16:20:24.407Z",
"modified": "2023-11-01T16:20:25.025Z"
Thanks Mark!
I was looking for a more UI based real time solution. I have found a search which can be scheduled on an hourly basis to get close to real time reassignment details as the certification campaign.
name:“Reassign Certification Passed” AND created:[now-1h TO now]
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