I haven’t found any documentation, configuration settings, or endpoints to enable reminder/escalation setups in NERM. Is it feasible to implement this functionality?
At this time, that is not a supported function of NERM.
One feasible configuration for this that I can think of (however, one major detractor of this configuration may be that the Profile needs to be created before the Approval is completed):
- Set up an attribute that essentially acts as a Boolean for if the approval has been completed (We don’t have Boolean attributes, so it would just have to be a text field)
- You would set this to “false” before the Approval using a Set Attribute Values action and then to True after the Approval is completed. Using Create / Update actions to store the value on the
- You can use that to trigger an Automated workflow in order to send notifications
- An Automated workflow’s Scope could be configured to look for Profiles that have the Boolean value set to False (which would be the ones that need to be escalated/reminded). A notification action could then be configured to send a message to the Profile’s Owner or some other Contributor / User.
- An addition date attribute could be used on the Profile in order to specify a time range for that reminder (Such as every three days).
That should allow you to send out a reminder that the Approval still needs to be completed.
If you need to do this kind of check without creating the Profile before the Approval is completed, you would need to utilize the get-workflow-sessions | SailPoint Developer Community endpoint to find workflow session that have a status of “pending approval”. That would be tricky within workflows, so it would be better served by an external script or service.
Thanks for the response, approach seems little over complicated for something that should be an OOTB configuration. I appreciate you getting back to me on this
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