Access Request - Reminders and Escalations

Hi Team

We have configured reminders and escalations globally for Access Request using API as specified below. As per the configuration system should send reminder after 1 day. We had raised an access request and request is pending with the approver, but still approver didn’t receive any reminder notifications, as per configuration it should also trigger escalation notification by now but it didn’t trigger.

“approvalConfig” : {
“daysTillEscalation”: 1,
“daysBetweenReminders”: 1,
“maxReminders”: 2,
“fallbackApprover” :“support”


Did anyone noticed the same behaviour, does IDN system supports reminders and escalations as per below URL?

Are we missing any other configuration for reminders or escalation?

We have also noticed that there is no OOTB email template present in Global–>Email Templates option. Does system not triggering mails because of this?

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I did not even know this was available as an option, never seen it before in any documentation about access requests, anyways, now that I know it exists, I’ll try and configure this in our sandbox, we could really make use of it in prod as well, given that it works as expected.

@colin_mckibben Do you have any pointers on this?

Thank you!
Sailaja Prathi

This sounds like a potential bug. Have you created a support ticket to have engineering look at it?

@colin_mckibben yes, we have created already. Waiting for the assistance.

Thank you!

Have you got any reply from engineering team on this ? We are facing similar problem in our engagement.