Hello All,
Iam trying to configure global reminders and escalations through v3 APIs using update access request configuration API but iam getting error 400 bad request even while trying with the same example provided in sailpoint documentation.
"approvalsMustBeExternal": true,
"autoApprovalEnabled": false,
"requestOnBehalfOfConfig": {
"allowRequestOnBehalfOfAnyoneByAnyone": false,
"allowRequestOnBehalfOfEmployeeByManager": true
"approvalReminderAndEscalationConfig": {
"daysUntilEscalation": 0,
"daysBetweenReminders": 0,
"maxReminders": 1,
"fallbackApproverRef": {
"type": "IDENTITY",
"id": "5168015d32f890ca15812c9180835d2e",
"name": "Ahmed Nasr",
"email": "[email protected]"
"entitlementRequestConfig": {
"allowEntitlementRequest": true,
"requestCommentsRequired": false,
"deniedCommentsRequired": false,
"grantRequestApprovalSchemes": "entitlementOwner, sourceOwner, manager, workgroup:2c918084660f45d6016617daa9210584"
any idea what is missed or what to be changed ?