Bulk AccessProfile tool - entitlementList is not properly formatted

Similar to before where the syntax was just a little off/user error on my part. Tried a few things after reading through the readme file and the script itself and got it to do what I needed. Thanks again!

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I’m glad I could be of help :slightly_smiling_face:

Hi Mehul,

Thank you for your and help clarification. I was able to get it working now.

For some reason, even though the value on the SailPoint portal contains the DN of the group, that wasn’t working for me. Instead, using the name did. Additionally, following the format of “group1:abc, group2:abc2” didn’t work either. I had to separate the groups by using a semi colon. In the end, this format is what worked for me:

createAccessProfile, BulkProfile Test, Testing bulk tool, Active Directory (DOMAIN),memberOf:SLP-GROUPA;memberOf:SLP-GROUPB,admin.username

I appreciate your help with solving this issue!

Thank you,
Ricardo T.

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