Bug in Entitlements UI - Actions menu disappears (new experience UI)

What problem are you observing?

I want to select an entitlement to mark it as privileged. This is fine, as long as you dont make a typo when searching for the entitlement.

When selecting an Entitlement, the Actions button/menu does not appear after you first search for an entitlement that doesnt exist (say you made a typo when searching for an entitlement)

What is the correct behavior?

Actions button should always appear when selecting an entitlement

What product feature is this related to?

ISC - New Experience Source/Entitlements UI

What are the steps to reproduce the issue?

  1. Go to Source
  2. Select ‘Try new experience’
  3. Go to Entitlement Management > Entitlements
  4. Search for an entitlement that doesnt exist example you typed ‘asmin’ instead of ‘admin’
  5. You will see “nothing to see here”
  6. Search for the correct entitlement name, say ‘admin’
  7. You will see the entitlement you initially wanted.
  8. Select the checkbox for the entitlement
  9. Actions menu/button does not appear. You still see the CSV upload / download options

Do you have any other information about your environment that may help?



You need to refresh the brower tab, now when you search and select the entitlement you can see the Actions button and choose the required action.

Hi Jason. Thank you for reporting this. For bugs with the user interface, please submit a support ticket. Our support team is capable of triaging UI bugs. We would appreciate if you share your customer support number and status updates in this thread so the rest of the community can be made aware of the progress.

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Hi @colin_mckibben

Ticket raised for this. Defect ID: SAASTRIAGE-4679

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