Assign Roles Using Forms Workflow

:spiral_notepad: Description Workflow template for using a Form to assign roles to a user
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:hammer_and_wrench: Repository Link GitHub - Assign Roles using Forms
:open_book: New to Workflows in the CoLab? Read the getting started guide for Workflows in the CoLab.
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This workflow demonstrates how we can use forms to assign multiple roles to a user easily.


You must have an Identity Now tenant with the Workflows feature enabled.


This workflow sends a form to the recipient(manager/owner). The form lists all the role available in the system. On form submission the selected roles are added to end user. If there is no approval scheme setup for role they will be auto approved and provisioned immediately. If there is an approval scheme defined for the roles, an access request will be started and notification will be sent out to the first approver. Once access request is completed approved, the role will be provisioned.

Please modify the recipient email address in Send Email action in the workflow.

To learn how to download and install workflow files, please read this guide.