Fast Track Identity Onboarding Workflow

:spiral_notepad: Description Fast track Identity Onboarding
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:hammer_and_wrench: Repository Link GitHub - Fast tack Identity Onboarding
:open_book: New to Workflows in the CoLab? Read the getting started guide for Workflows in the CoLab.
:hospital: Supported by Community Developed


These workflows demonstrate how we can use forms and workflows to fast track identity onboarding in Identity Security Cloud.


You must have an Identity Now tenant with the Workflows feature enabled.


These workflows will help you fast track Identity onboarding in Identity Security Cloud.

Workflow 1 - FastTrackUserOnboarding.json Sends a form (User Onboarding Form.json) to the manager to collect information and sends back email notification with response.

Workflow 2 - UserOnboardingServiceNowRequests.json Receives form submitted by manager and based on the repsonse, creates Service Now ticket

Workflow 3 - UserOnboardingAssignRoles.json Receives form submitted by manager and based on the repsonse, requests roles for the user.

For more details about this form and workflow, usage and implementation, please refer to the blog here: Fast Track Identity Onboarding

PS - To import the form into your tenant you may have to remove the image tags from it.

To learn how to download and install workflow files, please read this guide.