Any official support for vscode coming?

For those of us who would rather use vscode rather than eclipse, is there any kind of support coming in any capacity? By that I mean tools like the IIQDA, and an SSB equivalent that uses modern tools that work with vscode, such as maven. Also it would be nice if we could get some kind of linting and intellisense support for beanshell.


hey @jjdecker, I can honestly say that there’s no plans today but mostly because it has never been requested–but here you are! If you would be so willing to add that to our developer ideas portal, I’d love for you to submit it there where it can be seen by others, and upvoted.

Thanks for being the first to submit the idea!

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Submitted, thanks!

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@jjdecker Someone made a vscode extension which is an basically an equivalent to IIQDA Sailpoint IIQ Development Accelerator - Visual Studio Marketplace. I don’t believe it supports intellisense or linting though. IIQDA provides intellisense if you set it up correctly by adding all the relevant libraries to your projects classpath if you were unaware of that.


Yep and it’s a good extension too, main thing I’m looking for is something officially supported by sailpoint, and backed with enough resources to get features like intellisense working, secure password storage, and others.