IdentityNow Extensions for Visual Studio Code

Hello everyone!

As a daily-user of VSCode, I wanted to have a helpful extension to ease things with IdentityNow and its APIs.

Note: This extension is not developed, maintained or supported by SailPoint. It is a community effort to help manage IdentityNow from Visual Studio Code.

The extension has evolved and support the following operation, while benefiting from a fully-feature IDE like VSCode:

  • Connect to several tenants
  • Import and export config of a tenant
  • View, edit, aggregate, test, peek, ping, clone, or reset sources
  • View, create, edit, delete, and test transforms
  • View, create, edit, delete provisioning policies of a source
  • View, create, edit, delete schemas of a source
  • View, edit, enable, disable, export, import workflows and view execution history
  • View, create, edit, delete connector rules and export/import the script of a rule
  • View, edit, delete service desk integrations
  • View, edit, delete identity profiles and lifecycle states, and refreshes all the identities under a profile
  • Import/Export Accounts (import for delimited files only), uncorrelated accounts, entitlement details
  • View, edit, create, delete, export, import access profiles
  • View, edit, create, delete, export, import roles
  • View, edit, create, delete, export, import forms
  • View, edit, create, delete search attribute config
  • View, edit, create, delete identity attribute
  • View, trigger attribute sync or process, delete identities
  • View, edit, create, delete applications

Once you have installed the extension, you will be have a new “IDN” menu where you add tenants and view objects:

For more information, you can get to SailPoint Identity Security Cloud - Visual Studio Marketplace


Installation is straightforward as the extension is published in VSCode marketplace.

Go to the extension menu or press Ctrl+Shift+X and look for the extension “IdentityNow”. Click on the button Install.


:tada: Here is version 1.0.0 :tada:
It brings the support of entitlements for importing/exporting roles.
Most importantly, the extension has reached a milestone for which I considered the direct usage of API or Postman is unnecessary.
The extension will continue to evolve (the next step is probably the depreciation of the CC API for instance). But I think it deserves its version 1.0.

As usual, if you have any issue or any idea, do not hesitate to open a new issue in GitHub!


:tada: Here is version 1.3.0 :tada:

:bangbang: As of now, all new tenant added will be marked as “read-only” by default. You can unlock the tenant by clicking the lock that appears when you pass the mouse over the tenant name

Lots of fixes, refactoring, updates and new features:

  • Update for source aggregation and reset to leverage beta endpoints instead of CC endpoints
  • Add searching and viewing identities by @henrique_quintino (cf. #74)
  • Add attribute sync, process and delete command on identities by @henrique_quintino (cf. #74)
  • Fixed normalizeNames (cf. #73)
  • Lock tenant as read-only to prevent any change (cf. #75 and #81)
  • Fixed with generate digit token to use the username and not the account name
  • Automatically update workflow if its status is changed
  • Fixed case where a single entitlement or single access profiles is returned during role creation

@angelo_mekenkamp the issue with workflow cache you’ve shown me should be solved


:tada: Here are versions 1.3.7 and 1.3.8 :tada:

It brings small fixes, solves a long-due issue with retry and brings cool features around certification. I think it will really help people managing certification from on operation perspective.

  • Viewing a workflow does not bring statistics as this can cause timeouts.
  • Support of certifications
    • Dashboard
    • Esclation
    • Reminders
    • Report
    • Automatic reassignment to access item owners
    • Custom reassignment
  • Fix axios-retry not working
  • Removed filtering on sources since CC API is decommissioned

Big thank you to @mostafa_helmy and @Bassem_Mohamed :pray: who contributed on this.