Accounts Page: Sorting by Identity State causes the system to display 1 record/change font

What problem are you observing?

NOTE: This is happening in PROD, but not affecting us currently outside my evaluation of the Accounts. This is NOT happening in the lower environments.

When working with the Accounts page to view Human Accounts, I can choose to sort by the “Identity State” and it will sort the records by the Identity state with no filters active. If I set a filter for the Source to a specific source on my system, then click the “Identity State” column header to sort them (or if it was previously sorted. Order does not matter) then the system will return a single row, and the font will be changes (smaller), and the Source Name, Created, Modified, and Actions will be blank. It appears the system is hitting an error here and swallowing the error.

What is the correct behavior?

All rows for the specified Source should be returned with the correct data filled out, sorted by the Identity State Column.

What product feature is this related to?

ISC and Accounts UI Page

What are the steps to reproduce the issue?

Open the Human Accounts Page: Admin → Identity Management → Accounts → Human Accounts
Add a filter for a single source
Note that all accounts for the source are returned.
Sort the “Identity State” column
Note that a single account is shown with missing details.

Do you have any other information about your environment that may help?