Workflow Success but not sending email

I have a simple workflow that sends a email to one person that is not the requester every time it has an account created the system says it ran correctly but i am not seeing the email in the email box, Any ideas

ActivityTaskScheduled 2024-11-07T17:15:48.627820987Z {displayName:Send Email,input:{body:{context:{},emailTemplate:{body:

A new Account has been created for Saleforce 

,from:[email protected],replyTo:,subject:New Account Created for Salesforce },medium:EMAIL,recipientEmailList:[email protected]},context:{},from:[email protected],method:POST,path:notification/send-notification,recipientEmailList:[],service:hermes,subject:New Account Created for Salesforce ,useInternalClient:true},stepName:sendEmail,task:sp:send-email}
ActivityTaskStarted 2024-11-07T17:15:48.627851518Z {attempts:1,displayName:Send Email,stepName:sendEmail,task:sp:send-email}
ActivityTaskCompleted 2024-11-07T17:15:48.877170154Z {displayName:Send Email,result:{},stepName:sendEmail,task:sp:send-email}


Hi @VBsupport ,

Can you please share more details? I assume you have tested the workflow. Did you see any errors while testing it?

Are you using any email templates? it could be that, there may be something in the email templates that is not being computed


Hi @VBsupport ,
could you please check once if email forward is set?

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some one keeps turn on redirect. Thanks

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