Workflow is completing all steps except sending Email

Hi Team,
WorkflowtotrackDepartmentChanges20240524_test.txt (2.0 KB)

I am trying to create a Workflow that will send an email when an Identity Changes Departments. The Workflow has no validation errors - and completes every step - except sending an email. Is there anything missing? See attached

Hi Marvin,

Add the context for ${displayName} or else use like - {{$.getIdentity.displayName}}, in place of ${displayName}. Like this use context or direct call for value → ${departmentId.oldValue} and ${departmentId.newValue}.



Hi @P96337 ,
Here is the working step for mail send.

“Send Email”: {
“actionId”: “sp:send-email”,
“attributes”: {
“body”: “Dear ${recipName},

You have received this notification as <b style="">${displayName} has moved to position <b style="">${position} and will be reporting to you.
Because of this change you are obliged to review all accesses of <b style="">${displayName} and decide if roles are required for new position or they should be removed.

Kind Regards
IAM Team

“context”: {
“displayName.$”: “$.getIdentity.attributes.displayName”,
“position.$”: “$.getIdentity.attributes.positionTitle”,
“recipName.$”: “$.getManager.attributes.displayName”
“from”: “[email protected]”,
“recipientEmailList.$”: “$”,
“subject”: “Position Change”
“description”: “Send mail to Manager”,
“nextStep”: “success 1”,
“type”: “action”,
“versionNumber”: 2


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Hi Gokul and Girish,

Thanks you so much. This worked like a charm.

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Good to know that it worked :slight_smile:

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