Windows Local Port


Could someone help me with port number which we need to open for connection Windows server in Identitynow. I see lot of port numbers in the knowledgebase, not sure which one to use.

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Are you using the Active Directory Connector?

The VA needs to be able to connect to the domain controller over port 636 for LDAP authentication.

Make sure TLS is configured, that you have imported the certificates.

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Thanks for your reply.

Iā€™m using windows local connector.

Hello @chandramohans27 were you able to figure out this?

Hello @chandramohans27 , I understand this is using the SMB port 445. Can we do a simple netcat via the virtual appliance(s) - if we have more than one then on all servers, to the Windows server and port to establish the connection is sound via the Virtual Appliance.

something like nc -zc -w 5 <servername or ip address> 445

A useful overview and more information can be seen here:

Typically we would see a timeout error related to a firewall or network delay in communication.

Kind Regards,


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