WebService Direct Connector: Aggregation of Users within

I have a custom Web Service that has a unique layout that I am attempting to work with. The users are in group folders within a single root folder. So I will need to make 3 requests to get the users:

  1. Get Root Folder
  2. Get Group Folders within Root
  3. Get Users within each Group Folder

When I set this up, it is only showing a single account being found, but it is not creating any accounts. The Account schema is set up as follows:

  • User_ID - From Request 3 - Account ID and Account Name
  • Display_Name - From Request 3
  • Email - From Request 3
  • Root_Folder_ID - From Request 1
  • Group_Folder_ID - From Request 2

Is this inverted process manageable out of the box, or will I need to handle all calls within an WS After Operation Rule?

Edit: I hard coded the Request 3 as a single operation for 1 group, and I was able to pull in all users of that group, so I know that request works.

The inverted process will not work with standard configuration. The first aggregation endpoint needs to return all of the Resource Objects you wish to aggregate.

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This is what I was afraid of.

So the Subsequent end points can only retrieve additional details about the Resource Objects in the first endpoint then? So my only option seems to be use the WebService After Operation to do the additional requests to get the users and return them in the response.

Yes, that is your only option. You need to directly make the calls in the after rule, combine the data, and then return the List of HashMaps representing the accounts.


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