Single Account Aggregation using get object in webservice connector

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Hi All,

I have configured webservice connector in my tenant and aggregated both accounts and entitlements using respective endpoint.

Now I need to aggregate single account from webservice using get object. Configured the operation in the source. Did i miss something here?

below is the sample user json file that we hosted in github as public api for testing.

Any solution would be appreciated.

Shantha Kumar

Hi @Santhakumar,

Are you getting any error while doing the single account aggregation.?

Does this API call work in Postman with the native identity (Account ID in your schema) value.?

How does your response mapping look like.? Is it correctly mapped to the response values.?

Hi @Santhakumar

Agree with @jesvin90 here, can you please provide more details about the whether the API call is working fine in postman.

Some quick checks you may try here are below though

  1. The context url look bit strange to me as it contains getUser.json which is very strange atleast to me. Can you please double check if that works.

  2. If the context url is correct, then can you please try replacing $getObject.nativeIdentity$ with “$plan.nativeIdentity$”. May be that could help.

  3. Can you please share the response mapping and response information as well, so that we can double check if the response mapping is correct.

I hope this information help, please let us know in case of issues.


Hi @jesvin90 @vguleria Yes the endpoint is working in postman but without $getObject.nativeIdentity$ if i gave with $getObject.nativeIdentity$ it gives 404 method not allowed error.

Hi @Santhakumar,

Try hardcoding a user’s account ID value in the GET url and see if it goes through.

If that doesn’t work, then it could be an issue with the context URL, the Method or any other parameters in the call.

$getObject.nativeIdentity$ should get replaced by the account ID in your schema.

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Hi @Santhakumar

Agree with @jesvin90. Please follow the instructions and see if hardcoding a value work for you if so then can you please try replacing $getObject.nativeIdentity$ with “$plan.nativeIdentity$” . May be that could help.

I have seen $plan.nativeIdentity working in my case. If still does not work, then you may try to change log level of web service connector to debug using below link and then try to see in VA logs whether the invoking url if that is the same as you are using in postman.

I hope that helps.


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