Unlock ServiceNow Account on Enable


Documentation for “SailPoint Identity Governance connector for ServiceNow” suggests connector supports unlocking account on enable. We need to set a attribute “unlockOnEnableAccount” to true. We did the same on our source and we can see the entry as “unlockOnEnableAccount”: “true” and yet the enable operation do not unlock the account. We tried “unlockOnEnableAccount”: true this as well but no luck. Any thoughts?


I am not sure from where you got this flag but I tried it using sync in past. This flag was not available at that time. There was identity attribute which was syncing to locked account attribute. Identity attribute calculation can be done as per your business requirement.

If we want to unlock the account on an enable, do we need to make an api call from a before provisioning rule? Or is there some other way to do it?

I read the manual and discovered there is an unlock on enable checkbox in the advanced settings of the connector.