Triggers - SailPoint Identity Services

When building a workflow, you'll always start with a trigger.

This is the companion discussion topic for the documentation at

A post was split to a new topic: Workflows Identity Deleted trigger not available in tenant

Hi Dominick! I created SAASDOCS-7992 to investigate that trigger and your question about native change detection. Thanks for your patience!

Cron String
Enter the CRON expression for the schedule your workflow should follow.

It should be mentioned that an execution could be started twice.

For the following configuration we got a workflow that was also started twice, in parallel:

	"trigger": {
		"type": "SCHEDULED",
		"attributes": {
			"cronString": "0 * * * *",
			"frequency": "cronSchedule",
			"timeZone": "Europe/Berlin"

Hi @adamian! Thanks for the feedback. I’ve created SAASDOCS-8088 to update our docs to note that an execution could be started twice. We’ll let you know when those docs have been updated.

I can’t find the documentation for the trigger “DAS Activity Alert”.

The trigger’s documentation links to Triggers - SailPoint Identity Services

Hi Andrei! Thank you for your input. We’ve created a Jira issue to track the effort and we’ll update the comment thread when it’s been addressed: SAASDOCS-8658

Hello Documentation Team,

I can’t find a JSON sample for “Interactive Trigger”. Why wasn’t there one added?
I also see no documentation of the fields on how to determine who “launched the launcher”.

And for those who don’t wait for a future Jira issue tracking this effort:

  "_meta": {
    "invocationId": "8e09c02f-a8be-4432-9cbe-9db180b5bd37",
    "subscriptionId": "cff0c7c3-9be3-4bde-a976-fa716fa4e1b9",
    "triggerType": "FIRE_AND_FORGET"
  "config": {
    "config": {},
    "workflowId": "cff0c7c3-9be3-4bde-a976-fa716fa4e1b9"
  "interactiveProcessId": "01JF7TP9K9EGRNHEGCN091ZE3Z",
  "launchedAt": "2024-12-16T13:32:00.503937587Z",
  "launchedBy": {
    "id": "1f937e2dd3334ddca917130eab27a162",
    "type": "IDENTITY"
  "workflowId": "cff0c7c3-9be3-4bde-a976-fa716fa4e1b9"

This trigger only fires when manually initiated from the Launcher associated with this trigger.

What does “manually initiated” mean? Does it mean that a user has to click in the UI or something else?

Hi @dominick-miller! Thanks for your input. This appears to be related to using paid licensing. I’m going to connect you with the community team, who can best help you.

Hi @adamian. Thank you for helping us improve our documentation. Based on your feedback, we’ve updated the Scheduled Trigger to include a note that an additional workflow execution may be initiated before previous executions have completed.

Hi @adamian. Thank you for helping us improve our documentation. Based on your feedback, we’ve added the DAS Activity Alert trigger.

Hi @adamian! Thank you for your input. We’ve created a Jira issue to track the effort and we’ll update the comment thread when it’s been addressed: SAASDOCS-8879.

Hi @adamian. Thank you for helping us improve our documentation. Based on your feedback, we’ve updated the Interactive Trigger documentation to include a JSON sample, make it clearer that the trigger is fired when manually initiated by a user from the Launchpad, and how to determine who launched the launcher.