Snowflake native connector group aggregation error

Hi we are facing error during snowflake native connector group aggregation.

The error is as below.

Exception during aggregation of Object Type Role on Application snowflake-test1. Reason: openconnector.InvalidConfigurationException: [ InvalidConfigurationException ] [ Possible suggestions ] An error occurred while querying the Snowflake server. Make sure the connection parameters are valid and correct. [ Error details ] org.apache.http.NoHttpResponseException:url:443 failed to respond

Account aggregation and test connection passed.

I have added these attributes below as per link Troubleshooting

<entry key="conSnowflakeApiRetryMaxAttempts" value="3"/>
<entry key="conSnowflakeApiRetrySleepTimeSeconds" value="60000"/>
<entry key="authSearchAttributes">
<String>443 failed to respond</String>

but still it is failing. I am really struck and not sure what to do here.

Any help is much appreciated.

Did you figure this out?

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