Hi we are facing error during snowflake native connector group aggregation.
The error is as below.
Exception during aggregation of Object Type Role on Application snowflake-test1. Reason: openconnector.InvalidConfigurationException: [ InvalidConfigurationException ] [ Possible suggestions ] An error occurred while querying the Snowflake server. Make sure the connection parameters are valid and correct. [ Error details ] org.apache.http.NoHttpResponseException:url:443 failed to respond
Account aggregation and test connection passed.
I have added these attributes below as per link Troubleshooting
<entry key="conSnowflakeApiRetryMaxAttempts" value="3"/>
<entry key="conSnowflakeApiRetrySleepTimeSeconds" value="60000"/>
<entry key="authSearchAttributes">
<String>443 failed to respond</String>
but still it is failing. I am really struck and not sure what to do here.
Any help is much appreciated.