I have views/table and I want to connect it to sailpoint to fetch roles and user info.
As snowflake connector has limitation. I am trying to connect snowflake using JDBC driver. But I am getting the following error:
[ ConnectorException ] [ Error details ] The server encountered an unexpected error while contacting target system during test configuration operation. Please check the logs. No suitable driver found for jdbc: snowflake://.snowflakecomputing.com
I understand that the JDBC drive classes are missing even after uploading in connector. So, How can i solve it.
Or is there any other way to do it.
To add on to what @kjakubiak said, if the Snowflake connector has limitations that prevent you from using it, you can look into building a custom SaaS connector to meet the needs of your Snowflake instance. SaaS connectivity only works for SaaS hosted apps. if your Snowflake instance is hosted inside your company’s network, you can look into using the Web Services connector.