Query regarding snowflake database integration


We are trying to fetch the account and their access details for one of the application from the snowflake database. When we use the snowflake connector, it is bringing in only the snowflake accounts and access details . Also, we are not finding any option to query the table, like how we do it for JDBC.

Please tell us whether JDBC connector support snowflake database?

Please let us know if there is any other ways to pull the table information from the snowflake.

Harish G

JDBC connector doesn’t support Snowflake. Please check this post for more information


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Hi @Harishlseg,

We are used below connector for snowflake. Use may also check the below link Integrating SailPoint with Snowflake for more details.

Thank You.

@gogubapu - We were not able to fetch the data from specific table using this connector.

Hi @Harishlseg,

This connector able to fetch all the accounts and entitlements from your snowflake, there is no configuration to fetch from specific table users. In UI level also there is no filter as well in this connector.

Thank You.

Let me check on this

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