ServiceNow Service Desk (SDIM) Integration - Adding Identity Attributes

Hi everyone,

I need to include additional fields in ServiceNow SDIM tickets based on identity attributes, specifically the “Start Date.” While I’ve reviewed the integration guide for adding custom fields, some parts are unclear to me.

I can see the default “before provisioning” rule through Visual Studio, but it doesn’t appear when I export all the rules using the export APIs. How can I create a new “before provisioning” rule based on this default one?

I haven’t made any customizations to the PlanInitializerScript for our SDIM integration yet. Can I meet my requirements by modifying the script alone, or will I also need to create a new “before provisioning” rule in every instance that uses both the PlanInitializerScript and the rule together? If possible, could you provide an example of the PlanInitializerScript? Additionally, how can I view the “Sample Before Provisioning Rule for SDIM”?

What would be the best approach to include the employee’s “Start Date” (requested_for) in the tickets? Your guidance would be appreciated! Thanks in advance!

@sahincelik is that problem is resolved in your case ?

If those attributes are stored in servicenow you can modify the servicenow workflow to populate them. Alternatively you can have the servicenow workflow query for the identity attributes via the IdN API.

Not yet. We need to implement Before Provisioning Rule which is still a pending action for us.

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@sahincelik we have the same need, and we will also develop a before provisioning rule.