Plan.arguments - ServiceNow SDIM Integration

Hi Folks,

I would like to understand what all values available in “plan.arguments” for ServiceNow - SDIM integration.

Does it contain the entire Identity object? can we reference any identity attribute from this? Ex. $plan.arguments.departement or $plan.arguments.costCenter

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I was looking for the same requirement. Did you manage to find anything by any chance?

Hello @maheshtare

If you want to retreive all identity attributes for a servicedesk integration, you need to use a before provisioning rule, which is a cloud rule.

The information you are able to use with the $.plan.arguments object, are not too many and are the uid displayname and email. not 100% sure if there is more attributes.


Thanks @pablonovoa for your reply. If I have to create a before provisioning rule for this, then I should be able to use all identity attributes that I defined in the rule. Why would it be limited with uid, displayName and email then? Is this mentioned in an official guide or something?

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