Issue with PlanInitializerScript


We have JIRA ServiceDesk integration in place. It has been working fine so far. But recently we got a request to add user’s email address in Summary field. Currently, all the custom logic we have is in before provisioning rule. But, as before provisioning rule as to go through the review process, I thought I will add email address as part of plan initializer script. So, I added the following:

"planInitializerScript": {"source":"<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>\r\n<!DOCTYPE Rule PUBLIC \"sailpoint.dtd\" \"sailpoint.dtd\">\r\n<Rule name=\"Example Rule\" type=\"BeforeProvisioning\">\r\n  <Description>Before Provisioning Rule that populates some additional data.</Description>\r\n  <Source>\r\n    <![CDATA[\r\n    Map arguments = plan.getArguments();\r\n    arguments.put(\"identityEmail\", identity.getEmail());\r\n    ]]>\r\n  </Source>\r\n</Rule>"}

But $plan.arguments.identityEmail is not getting populated in summary. Can someone please help me understand if there is any issue with the script that I am not able to detect.

It is interesting to see you added email directly to plan not as attribute request to the account request in the plan. How the other attributes are added, as attribute request or arguments to the plan ?

As arguments. The reason being those are not supposed to be provisioned. That is kind of additional information.

Ok, I just checked the Java doc.

getArguments() in plan returns Attribute data type but I see that you are assigning it to a Map. Can you check that ?


Hi @gaurav_jain

can you provide your mapping of attribute value for the description field for servicenow?


are you able to get any other attribute? may be try this:

Identity identity = plan.getIdentity();
String email = identity.getAttribute(“email”);
arguments.put("identityEmail", email);

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