Search being delayed than usual

Anyone seeing search delayed more than usual. It used to reflect changes within short time but I see that’s not the case anymore and it takes more than 4-5 hours.
I am heavily dependent on search for my troubleshooting and cannot use it if it’s this much delayed.

Hi Chirag,

Have you opened a support ticket? This question will require support/engineering to look into the logs of your tenant to diagnose the issue.

I did create support case and support seemed to be just using 24 hours SLA guideline as answer to the problem. I have used search for long and I know it does not take more than half a minute to reflect the updated data.

Though it’s been great for us also, it seems randomly delayed since last few days. I use search heavily and I was hoping if there are any other customers who noticed this so added topic here.

I am monitoring and adding data points on support case and hoping support would probably find something.