IDN Search Filter By Performance

Hello SailPoint IDN Team,

I was somewhat surprised to see that when using the search “Filter By” functionality, the search is still performed for all “indices”, and only the display of the results is suppressed.

For example, although I am only interested in “Events”, 6 searches are launched in parallel, and some may be slower than the category I am interested in.


When every search returns in less than 1 second this is not an issue, but if some searches need a couple more seconds (5-10 seconds) than what I am searching for, this becomes an issue, as we have to wait for information that we don’t need.

It would be nice if this could be optimized in the future.

Best regards,

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Thank you for making us aware of this, Andrei. We have created a ticket to track this work (UIDATA-320). Given the other work our engineering teams are engaged with, this ticket is considered low priority, but we still value the feedback you and others bring us to help improve the product.