no segments* file found

Could you please help me to resolve the below issue.
Steps create the issue
“1. Login to idam application
2. Open Manage Access – > Manage User Access
3. Select a user from ‘Select Users’ tab
4. In ‘Manage Access’ tab , add or remove access to/from the user
5. Review the selections in the ‘Review’ tab
6. Submit the request”

Error on U.I:‘Severe Error’ warning appears on screen while trying to place the request

Erros in tomcat: no segments* file found in MMapDirectory@/usr/share/apache-tomcat-9.0.54/webapps/identityiq/WEB-INF/BundleManagedAttributeIndex
Caused by: org.apache.lucene.index.IndexNotFoundException: no segments* file found in MMapDirectory@/usr/share/apache-tomcat-9.0.54/webapps/identityiq/WEB-INF/BundleManagedAttributeIndex

Hi @vinod_goud86

Check the following directory and verify segment file exist or not. Also check whether sailpoint user has permission on this file.

You can try restarting your IIQ instance, which may generate the segment file automatically


Thanks @Jarin_James for the reply and your time.
Segment file not generated under /usr/share/apache-tomcat-9.0.54/webapps/identityiq/WEB-INF/BundleManagedAttributeIndex
Saipoint user nothing but tomcat user if so it has all writes access to BundleManagedAttributeIndex folder
We also ran full text index refresh task still segment file is not generating.
IIQ instance means tomcat instance if so we restarted tomcat also still not generated segment file
But for workaround copied segment file from other server after placing the copied file issue got resolved but not sure this is correct solution or not pls give insights on this solution.
Could you please give some knowledge on segments file what exactly it will do?’

Hi @vinod_goud86

The “segments” file is a crucial component of the Lucene index. It contains metadata and information about the segments or partitions of the index. Each segment represents a subset of the indexed data. The segments are created during the indexing process and are used for efficient searching and retrieval of documents. When performing searches or updates on the index, Lucene needs to access the “segments” file to determine the structure and location of the indexed data. If the “segments” file is missing or corrupted, Lucene will not be able to properly read or update the index, resulting in the error you encountered.

You can find more information in this page; Apache Lucene - Index File Formats

Hi @Jarin_James
Thanks for the reply.
As you suggested restart IIQ service ,Is it tomcat service restart or any other service.
one more thing Can we use segment file generated on the other server ,tried with this workaround, not getting error after placing this file not sure whether it’s correct solution or not, Could please let us know your insights on this.

Hi @vinod_goud86

I was suggesting tomcat server restart. Even I don’t have much insight on the internal working. But I tried replicating the issue in my test environment by removing the files in BundleManagedAttributeIndex folder. A server restart has generated the files again.

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