Creating file in Windows shared location from Sail Point IIQ

Hi All,

We are trying to create file in Windows shared location from SailPoint IIQ. but getting the following error “The application script threw an exception: \sample\temp\loc\field\group\SailPoint\TempFile.txt (The network path was not found) BSF info: FileCreation_Testing at line: 0 column: columnNo”.
File Creation Location : //sample/temp/loc/field/group/SailPoint/.

Code Snippet :

String filePath = "\sample\temp\loc\field\group\SailPoint";
String fileName = “TempFile.txt”;
FileOutputStream fout=new FileOutputStream(filePath+fileName);

Any help will be useful. Please let us know if we are missing anything.

Thanks & Regards,

The way I would approach this is to actually map the drive on the IQService host(s) and then invoke a PoSh script RPC request on the IQService to create the file (since PoSh has a lot better built-in capabilities for working with Windows files/filesystems than Java, and the drive mapping can be set up to be persistent on the IQService host with auto-reconnection).

See this Compass article that provides some good info on how to do that (including how to analyze the result of the PoSh script): Running Powershell directly via the IQService - Compass

The server name is “sample”. Is this name resolvable from the machine running IIQ server (or IQ Service) using DNS? Should it instead be

IIQ (or IQ Service is better per @brian_weigel) must be running as a service account that has rights to access the remote server. In other words, if the IQService is running as Local System it will not be able to make changes to the remote server.

The file path should have forward slash / or needs to be escaped with a double backslash \\.

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