Run Unoptimized Aggregation Workflow

:spiral_notepad: Description Workflow template to run automated unoptimized aggregation for a source
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:hammer_and_wrench: Repository Link GitHub - Run Unoptimized Aggregation
:open_book: New to Workflows in the CoLab? Read the getting started guide for Workflows in the CoLab.
:hospital: Supported by Community Developed


This workflow will help you start an unoptimized aggregation for a source on a specified schedule


You must have an Identity Now tenant with the Workflows feature enabled.


This workflows uses an HTTP Request action to call load Accounts API to run an unoptimized aggregation for a source.

Please modify:

  • The scheduled trigger time based on your needs.
  • The tenant name, client ID, secret and source ID in HTTP Request action.
  • The recipient email address in Send Email action.

Note: This HTTP Request URL will have to be modified once we receive a V3 or a BETA API replacement for loadAccounts CC API.

You can add more HTTP requests to this workflow to start aggregation for additional sources.

To learn how to download and install workflow files, please read this guide.

Sharvari - Thank you so much for creating this! We had a huge need to schedule unoptimized aggregations, and it was threatening to delay our go-live date if we couldn’t get it figured out. This has saved us so much time and heartache!


Hi @sharvari, they created the new API: import-accounts | SailPoint Developer Community