Role provisioning form fiels values

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Version 8.3

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I have created 3 roles and assigned role provisning policy form and collecting program type attribute values for provisoning to target.
in provisioning rule ho to get the program type attribute value ?

Hi Poorna,

Use the plan object to extract the program type attribute.
refer the snippet below -

AccountRequest accReq=plan.getAccountRequest(appName);
List<AttributeRequest> attrRequest=accReq.getAttributeRequests();
for(int i=0;i<attrRequest.size();i++)
                    AttributeRequest attr=attrRequest.get(i);
                                      String programType=attr.getValue().toString();
                                      //TODO your logic

Mark it as solved, if it help.

Thanks for quick reply Amit,

Here my issue is suppose i have selected 2 roles with corresponding program type for each role , here i am gettining only one value for program type in provisioning rule.
i need some logic like for role1 - program type = red.
for role 2 - program type = green.

@poornarao - Could you please share the exact requirement.

Its a simple jdbc application intergartion , here groups are consider as entitlement , along with group we need to provision program type, suppose i select group 1 , then the user can selct any program type in a drop down ( this drop down changes based on group name).
so i created role1 , role 2 and role 3 . for role 1 i added provisioning policy in which the user group1 is default value assigned and based on that program type the user can select. similarly based on role the user select , get diffferent groups and program type.
here issue is when i select sngle role every thing works , but when i select 2 or more roles every time i see only one group and program type in provisioning rule. i am not able to retrive all groups and corresponding program type values in provisoning rule

To handle multiple roles with different program types in the provisioning rule, you need to modify your logic to accommodate multiple values for the program type attribute. One approach could be to store the program type values as a comma-separated list or use a collection (e.g., an array or a list) to hold the program type values corresponding to the selected roles.

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