Sure Thanks again for the reply. I have got this code from search and updated the values accordingly. It’s stamping most of the values except member of.
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<!DOCTYPE Rule PUBLIC "sailpoint.dtd" "sailpoint.dtd">
<Rule created="1698247661112" id="0a200a0c8b671090818b6772d637007c" language="beanshell" modified="1707384531897" name="Active Directory Accounts Field Value Rule" type="FieldValue">
<Description>This rule can be used to generate a field value (eg - an account name) using data from the given Identity. If this rule is run in the context of a workflow step then the arguments passed into the step will also be available. Also, any field values that have been processed so far from the policy related to the Application/Role will be available.</Description>
<Signature returnType="String">
<Argument name="log" type="org.apache.commons.logging.Log">
The log object associated with the SailPointContext.
<Argument name="context" type="sailpoint.api.SailPointContext">
A sailpoint.api.SailPointContext object that can be used to query the database if necessary.
<Argument name="identity" type="Identity">
The Identity object that represents the user needing the field value.
<Argument name="link" type="Link">
The sailpoint.object.Link that is being acted upon. If the link is not applicable,
this value will be null.
<Argument name="group" type="AccountGroupDTO">
The that is being acted upon. If the AccountGroupDTO
is not applicable, the value will be null.
<Argument name="project" type="ProvisioningProject">
The provisioning project being acted upon. If a provisioning project is not applicable,
the value will be null.
<Argument name="accountRequest" type="ProvisioningPlan.AccountRequest">
The account request. If an account request is not applicable, the value will be null.
<Argument name="objectRequest" type="ProvisioningPlan.ObjectRequest">
The object request. If an object request is not applicable, the value will be null.
<Argument name="role" type="Bundle">
The role with the template we are compiling. If the role is
not applicable, the value will be null.
<Argument name="application" type="Application">
The sailpont.object.Application with the template we are compiling. If the application
is not applicable, the value will be null.
<Argument name="template" type="Template">
The Template that contains this field.
<Argument name="field" type="Field">
The current field being computed.
<Argument name="current" type="Object">
The current value corresponding to the identity or account attribute that the field represents.
If no current value is set, this value will be null.
<Argument name="operation" type="ProvisioningPlan.Operation">
The operation being performed.
<Argument name="value">
The string value created.
<Source>import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import sailpoint.api.PasswordGenerator;
import sailpoint.object.PasswordPolicy;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Date;
import sailpoint.object.ProvisioningPlan;
import sailpoint.object.ProvisioningPlan.ObjectRequest;
import sailpoint.integration.ProvisioningPlan.ObjectRequest;
import sailpoint.object.Identity;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
private static Log adFVRLogger = LogFactory.getLog("rule.Rule_AD_Field_Value_Rule");
adFVRLogger.trace("------------Inside Rule_AD_Field_Value_Rule ------------------------- for : "+identity.getName());
// Initialize the logger
String value = null;
String fieldName = null;
String location = null;
String s = "ctd-";
//s = "Hello " + s;
//Null check for field
adFVRLogger.error("Error in Rule_AD_Field_Value_Rule. field is null");
return null;
fieldName = field.getName();
if(null==fieldName || fieldName.isEmpty()){
adFVRLogger.error("Error in Rule_AD_Field_Value_Rule. fieldName is null or empty");
return null;
//Null check for identity
if( null==identity ){
adFVRLogger.error("error in Rule_AD_Field_Value_Rule. Identity is null");
//Obtaining 'location' attribute of the identity to query the 'locations' table and populate possible values for fields
location = (String) identity.getAttribute("location");
//set field value according to attribute request from the original plan
if(null!=accountRequest && null!=accountRequest.getAttributeRequest(fieldName)){
if( null!=accountRequest.getAttributeRequest(fieldName).getValue() && !((String)accountRequest.getAttributeRequest(fieldName).getValue()).isEmpty() ){
value=(String) accountRequest.getAttributeRequest(fieldName).getValue();
return value;
// if( fieldName.equalsIgnoreCase("extensionAttribute1") ){
// String hireDate = identity.getAttribute("ServiceDate");
// if(null!=hireDate && !hireDate.isEmpty()){
// SimpleDateFormat simpleDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss a");
// Date date = simpleDateFormat.parse(hireDate);
// SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy");
// value = "HireDate_"+sdf.format(date);
// }
// else{
// value="";
// }
// }
// if( fieldName.equalsIgnoreCase("extensionAttribute2") ){
// value = "Code_"+identity.getAttribute("employeeId");
// }
// if( fieldName.equalsIgnoreCase("extensionAttribute3") ){
// value = "ADCreated_"+(new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy").format( new Date() ));
// }
// if( fieldName.equalsIgnoreCase("sAMAccountName") ){
// value = (String) identity.getAttribute("userName");
// }
// if( fieldName.equalsIgnoreCase("sAMAccountName") ){
// value = (String) identity.getAttribute("NetworkID");
// }
//if (fieldName.equalsIgnoreCase("sAMAccountName")) {
// String networkID = (String) identity.getAttribute("NetworkID");
// if (networkID != null) {
// value = "iiqq" + networkID;
// }
if (fieldName.equalsIgnoreCase("sAMAccountName")) {
String networkID = (String) identity.getAttribute("NetworkID");
if (networkID != null) {
value = "iiqq-" + networkID;
//if( fieldName.equalsIgnoreCase("sAMAccountName") ){
// value = s + "(String) identity.getAttribute("userName")";
// if (fieldName.equalsIgnoreCase("sAMAccountName")) {
// String samAccountName = (String) identity.getAttribute("userName");
// if (samAccountName != null) {
// value = "iiqq" + samAccountName;
// }
if( fieldName.equalsIgnoreCase("primaryGroupDN") ){
value = "CN=Domain Users,CN=Users,DC=company,DC=org,DC=com";
if( fieldName.equalsIgnoreCase("displayName") ){
String requesteePrefname = identity.getStringAttribute("preferredName");
String requesteeDispName = ((null !=requesteePrefname && !requesteePrefname.isEmpty() ) ? requesteePrefname : identity.getFirstname()) + " " + identity.getLastname();
value = requesteeDispName;
if( fieldName.equalsIgnoreCase("givenName") ){
value = identity.getFirstname();
if( fieldName.equalsIgnoreCase("sn") ){
value = identity.getLastname();
if( fieldName.equalsIgnoreCase("description") ){
value = (String) identity.getAttribute("title");
if( fieldName.equalsIgnoreCase("title") ){
value = (String) identity.getAttribute("title");
if( fieldName.equalsIgnoreCase("department") ){
value = (String) identity.getAttribute("department");
if( fieldName.equalsIgnoreCase("Manager") ){
if( null != identity.getManager() && null != identity.getManager().getLink(application) ){
value = (String) identity.getManager().getLink(application).getAttribute("distinguishedName");
if (fieldName.equals(“memberOf”)) {
groups = new ArrayList();
value = groups;
return value;
//Setting ScriptPath to default value for the account
if( fieldName.equalsIgnoreCase("ScriptPath") ){
value = "logon.vbs";
//Setting 'Object Type' for the account
if( fieldName.equalsIgnoreCase("ObjectClass") ){
value = "User";
//Setting 'employeeType' for the account
if( fieldName.equalsIgnoreCase("employeeType") ){
if( null != identity.getAttribute("employeeType") ){
value = (String) identity.getAttribute("employeeType");
//Setting 'distinguishedName' for the account
// if( fieldName.equalsIgnoreCase("distinguishedName") ){
// value = "CN="+identity.getAttribute("displayName")+",OU="+identity.getAttribute("team")+",OU="+identity.getAttribute("businessUnit")+",OU="+identity.getAttribute("department")+",OU=Employees,OU=Systems,DC=company,DC=org,DC=com";
// }
//Setting 'distinguishedName' for the account
// if( fieldName.equalsIgnoreCase("distinguishedName") ){
// value = "CN="+identity.getAttribute("displayName")+",OU="+identity.getAttribute("team")+",OU="+identity.getAttribute("businessUnit")+",OU="+identity.getAttribute("department")+",OU=Employees,OU=Systems,DC=company,DC=org,DC=com";
// String strNetworkId = identity.getAttribute("NetworkID").toLowerCase();
// value = "CN=" + strNetworkId + "," + "," + "CN=Users,DC=iiqservice,DC=com";
// }
// if( fieldName.equalsIgnoreCase("distinguishedName") ){
// If the condition is true, execute the following block of code.
// Get the "NetworkID" attribute from the "identity" object and convert it to lowercase.
// String strNetworkId = identity.getAttribute("NetworkID").toLowerCase();
// Construct a distinguished name using the strNetworkId and other strings.
// value = "CN=" + strNetworkId + "," + "," + "CN=Users,DC=iiqservice,DC=com";
if (fieldName.equalsIgnoreCase("distinguishedName")) {
// If the condition is true, execute the following block of code.
// Get the "NetworkID" attribute from the "identity" object and convert it to lowercase.
String strNetworkId = identity.getAttribute("NetworkID").toLowerCase();
// Construct a distinguished name by adding "iiqq-" before strNetworkId and other strings.
value = "CN=iiqq-" + strNetworkId + ",CN=Users,DC=iiqservice,DC=com";
//Setting 'City' for the account
// if( fieldName.equalsIgnoreCase("l") ){
// value = (String) identity.getAttribute("location");
// }
//Setting 'Password' for the account
// if( fieldName.equalsIgnoreCase("Password") ){
// value = (String) generatePassword();
// }
// if (fieldName.equalsIgnoreCase("Password")) {
// Generate or set the password here
// String newPassword = "newPassword123"; // Replace this with your desired password
// Assign the password to the 'value' variable
// value = newPassword;
// if (fieldName.equalsIgnoreCase("Password")) {
// Generate or set the password here
// String policyName = "iiq_User_PasswordPolicy";
// PasswordPolicy policy = context.getObjectByName(PasswordPolicy.class, policyName);
// String newPassword = new PasswordGenerator(context).generatePassword(policy);
// String newPassword = "newPassword123"; // Replace this with your desired password
// Assign the password to the 'value' variable
// value = newPassword;
// }
//if (fieldName.equalsIgnoreCase("Password")) {
// Field name is "Password," so we need to generate or set a new password
// Define the name of the password policy
// String policyName = "iiq_User_PasswordPolicy";
// Retrieve the password policy by its name
//PasswordPolicy policy = context.getObjectByName(PasswordPolicy.class, policyName);
// Generate a new password based on the policy
//String newPassword = new PasswordGenerator(context).generatePassword(policy);
// You can use the line below to set a specific password if needed
// String newPassword = "newPassword123"; // Replace this with your desired password
// Assign the generated password to the 'value' variable
//value = newPassword;
// if (fieldName.equalsIgnoreCase("Password")) {
// logger.trace("Enter AD password rule");
// PasswordPolicy pp = context.getObjectByName(PasswordPolicy.class, "iiq_User_PasswordPolicy");
// PasswordGenerator pg = new PasswordGenerator(context);
// String newPassword = context.decrypt(pg.generatePassword(pp));
// Assign the generated password to the 'value' variable
// value = newPassword;
if (fieldName.equalsIgnoreCase("Password")) {
// This block of code will execute if 'fieldName' is equal to "Password."]
// Logging a trace message
// logger.trace("Enter AD password rule");
// Retrieving a PasswordPolicy object
PasswordPolicy pp = context.getObjectByName(PasswordPolicy.class, "iiq_User_PasswordPolicy");
// Creating a PasswordGenerator
PasswordGenerator pg = new PasswordGenerator(context);
// Generating a new password based on the PasswordPolicy
String newPassword = context.decrypt(pg.generatePassword(pp));
// Assigning the generated password to the 'value' variable
value = newPassword;
//if (fieldName.equalsIgnoreCase("Password")) {
//String policyName = "iiq_User_PasswordPolicy";
// PasswordPolicy policy = context.getObjectByName(PasswordPolicy.class, policyName);
//String password = new PasswordGenerator(context).generatePassword(policy);
// value = password;
//Setting 'physicalDeliveryOfficeName' for the account
if( fieldName.equalsIgnoreCase("physicalDeliveryOfficeName") ){
value = (String) identity.getAttribute("location");
///////// ALL OF THE ABOVE ARE WORKING /////////////////
//Setting 'Company' for the account
if( fieldName.equalsIgnoreCase("Company") ){
value="My Company, Inc.";
if( "Pune" = identity.getAttribute("location") ){
value = "Company India. Ltd.";
//Setting 'City' for the account
if( fieldName.equalsIgnoreCase("City") ){
value = (String) identity.getAttribute("location");
//Setting 'EmailAddress' for the account
if( fieldName.equalsIgnoreCase("EmailAddress") ){
value = (String) identity.getAttribute("email");
if( fieldName.equalsIgnoreCase("mail") ){
value = (String) identity.getAttribute("email");
//Setting 'MailNickName' for the account
if( fieldName.equalsIgnoreCase("mailNickname") ){
value = (String) identity.getAttribute("username");
//Setting 'Enabled' to true for "Employee" account
if( fieldName.equalsIgnoreCase("Enabled") ){
if( "Employee" = identity.getAttribute("employeeType") ){
value = "True";
//Setting 'Name' for the account
if( fieldName.equalsIgnoreCase("Name") ){
value = (String) identity.getAttribute("displayName");
//Setting 'UPN' for the account
// if( fieldName.equalsIgnoreCase("UserPrincipalName") ){
// value = (String) identity.getAttribute("email");
// }
// Setting 'UPN' for the account
if (fieldName.equalsIgnoreCase("UserPrincipalName")) {
String networkID = (String) identity.getAttribute("NetworkID");
if (networkID != null) {
value = "iiqq-" + networkID + "";
// extensionAttribute1
//if (fieldName.equalsIgnoreCase("extensionAttribute1")) {
// String inactiveI = (String) identity.getAttribute("InactiveIndicator");
// String serviceDate = (String) identity.getAttribute("ServiceDate");
// String terminationDate = (String) identity.getAttribute("TerminationDate");
// String val = "";
// if ("A".equalsIgnoreCase(inactiveI)) {
// val = inactiveI + " " + (serviceDate != null ? serviceDate : "DefaultServiceDate");
// }
//if ("I".equalsIgnoreCase(inactiveI)) {
// val = inactiveI + " " + (terminationDate != null ? terminationDate : "DefaultTerminationDate");
// }
//return val.trim();
// if (fieldName.equalsIgnoreCase("extensionAttribute1")) {
// String inactiveI = identity.getAttribute("InactiveIndicator");
//String val = "";
//if ("A".equalsIgnoreCase(inactiveI)) {
// Concatenate "A" and the ServiceDate
// val = inactiveI + " " + identity.getAttribute("ServiceDate");
// }
// if ("I".equalsIgnoreCase(inactiveI)) {
// Concatenate "I" and the TerminationDate
// val = inactiveI + " " + identity.getAttribute("TerminationDate");
// }
// Trim the final value
// return val.trim();
// extensionAttribute1
//if (fieldName.equalsIgnoreCase("extensionAttribute1")) {
// String value = (String) identity.getAttribute("ServiceDate");
// return value;
if (fieldName.equalsIgnoreCase("extensionAttribute1")) {
// If the fieldName is "extensionAttribute1" (case-insensitive),
// enter this block of code.
String value = (String) identity.getAttribute("ServiceDate");
// Retrieve the value associated with the "ServiceDate" attribute from the 'identity' object
// and store it in the 'value' variable.
return value;
// Return the 'value'.
// extensionAttribute2
if (fieldName.equalsIgnoreCase("extensionAttribute2")) {
String employmentType = (String) identity.getAttribute("EmploymentType");
return employmentType != null ? employmentType : "DefaultEmploymentType";
adFVRLogger.trace("------------Leaving Rule_AD_Field_Value_Rule -------------------------. Set field '"+fieldName+"' to "+value);
return value;</Source>