Permission used to show details in Access Request

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Version 8.3

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What is the user entitlement/permission that allows viewing details option in the access request tab that can be seen in the image annexed? I am currently trying to make sure users from a specific workgroup are able to see this tab to address potential access request issues.

Hi @joaovrodrigues ,
Please follow the capability matrix and you will be able to identify the user level.


Thx 4 the feedback.
Sry I didn’t explain myself well, my objective is to have a workgroup be able to see every Access Request and its respective details.

Hi @joaovrodrigues, actually what was mentioned by @kavindar_sharma will apply to the WorkGroups as well.

Capabilities can be assigned directly to users via Identities > Identity Warehouse > User Rights tab OR to workgroups via Setup > Groups > Workgroups tab with members inheriting the group’s capabilities.

However, if the capabilities (with their associated rights) do not suit your need you can create a custom one (Capability) and include the (Rights) into it.

IdentityIQ uses rights (SPRights) to control user access to features, toggling menus, tools, pages, and tabs in the UI. Capabilities group these rights by job function for easier assignment to users or workgroups.

Rights are granular and often combined to provide full feature access, allowing fine-tuned control like read-only or full access (create, edit, delete).

Here you are the full article which has all the definitions as well:

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I doubt if any capability is available to just govern this detail page .


If users are able to see this page automatically they would be able to see the details and most it would be Admins , beneficiary


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