Permission required for API

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Version 8.4

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Can anyone tell me or point me to the documentation that provides information on what permission is required to call a GET endpoint? I need to let to provide read permission to call and API to see custom attributes on an entitlement. Thank you!

Hi @dk0200

I believe you require highlighted permission to read entitlements using SCIM API

For you reference:

IIQ WebService

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<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<!DOCTYPE Capability PUBLIC "sailpoint.dtd" "sailpoint.dtd">
<Capability created="1707155578226" displayName="Get Entitlement" id="0aaec3a58cfb1689818d7a66dd726341" modified="1707156537182" name="Get Entitlement" significantModified="1707156537182">
  <Description>read SCIM entitlement</Description>
    <Reference class="sailpoint.object.SPRight" id="0aaeac477069122f8170692319a2009d" name="ReadSCIMEntitlement"/>

I have granted that capability to the user I am using to call the endpoint:
https://host:8443/iiq/scim/v2/Entitlements , but I am getting a 401. Am I missing anything? Its a GET call

I refreshed the token and the permission is resolved but getting this now:

org.hibernate.exception.SQLGrammarException: could not extract ResultSet


It looks like outcome size is large.
Could you try filtering it?

That was it. tried it in a different environment with a smaller data set and it worked. Thank you

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