I’m trying to enable the password reset option for the users in sailpoint so that they can reset their password on their own.
Please find the steps i performed for testing the password management from Sailpoint Identitynow.
We need a test account on any of the oracle DB to verify the password reset from Sailpoint.
Hence created a test account on Oracle DB.
As per sailpoint documentation, we followed below steps
From the Admin interface, select Applications.
select + New > named → APCFGDEV TEST
Under App Accounts Created By, select Admin (IT).
Under Account Source, select Specific Users From Source or All Users From Source.
Choose the source you enabled Password Management on from the Select Source dropdown menu.
In the upper-right corner, set Enable For Users to ON and select Save.
Users with accounts on this source : APCGFDEV will see and can manage their passwords for this source using Password Manager.
We got stuck in this place as we are not able to access password manager in sailpoint.