Password Manager Issues

We are noticing some issues with Password Manager, and wondering if anyone else has seen these issues?

  1. Password Expiration emails are being sent for Disabled accounts.
  2. Password Expiration emails are showing the same AcctName (all using the Product Name) regardless of source. App list is showing up properly. The Email Template help document mentions that Pass-Through Authentication will cause the AcctName to show the Product Name, but we only have Pass-Through Authentication setup on one source. Previously the emails for the non-Pass-Through Authentication sources would show the Source Name.
  3. Password Manager used to show when an account was Disabled, and wouldn’t let the user change the password. That is no longer the case. Password Manager isn’t displaying that an account is Disabled, and will allow the user to reset the password.

These changes appeared to occur around October 9th or 10th.

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Sailpoint Engineering figured out the issue for #1 and #2, and implemented a fix on 11/6.

#3 is still an issue, waiting on more information from Support.

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Hi Carl, thanks for making this point. I guess we’re seeing the same behavior on point #3, too. Just got my first user report today. I’m opening a case from our end as well.

  • Vip

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