Password issue for New onboarded users


We’ve been using an identity attribute called OTP to generate one-time passwords for our new users.
However, we’ve run into an issue where some users are having trouble logging in using the OTP.

When we try to reset the password, the system asks for the previous password, and we provide the OTP generated by SailPoint, but it still shows as the wrong password. Strangely, this seems to only be happening to a few users. We checked with AD team about OTP that we generating it is meeting AD password police.

Any ideas on how we can fix this?


Can you elaborate on issue?

How you are generating OTP? using random alphabets transform? And where you are resetting password? in ISC or in target system?


we are generating transform like below url and after first login needs to reset the password in target system.

there is space after in the password and that is the reason it giving the error and found issue and resolved.

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