One or more of the virtual appliances on this source’s VA cluster are not responding to aggregation requests from IdentityNow

Kindly help on the following error:

One or more of the virtual appliances on this source’s VA cluster are not responding to aggregation requests from IdentityNow. To ensure aggregations complete successfully, please verify all VAs are at the latest version and can connect to IdentityNow. This aggregation will be retried in case this was a temporary connectivity issue

Hi @shaffusailpoint ,
Greetings of the Day!

Please check the VAs are Up and running and check docker images below is the command sudo docker ps -a

Checking from the UI VAs are in update-InProgress

Thank You

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Hi @shaffusailpoint ,

It looks like your VAs are in updating state.

You try to restart the VA cluster from IDN to see if it helps.

If that doesn’t help, you can reboot the VAs. Sometimes, it helps to finish the upgrades.

If none of above helps, you can try to update the VAs using below command and then reboot them :

sudo update_engine_client -check_for_update


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