New Forms Quick-Launch Widget for MySailPoint

SailPoint is excited to announce that the Forms widget is now available within the MySailPoint home page. Using the Forms widget, you can create, view, and edit forms, and launch up to 10 forms directly from the home page without the use of a workflow.

To enable a form for the widget, you must select the “Add to MySailPoint” check box in the Details section of a form.

This widget is restricted to ORG_ADMIN users for now, with plans to allow admins to select forms that will be accessible and launchable for all end users in the future.

For additional information, refer to our documentation. As always, we appreciate your support and look forward to any feedback you may have. Thank you!



Hey @Tyler_Harman - maybe this is possible and just not documented yet, but it would be great if some info was automatically passed in as inputs for quick-launch forms. Having access to the identity who launched the form at a minimum - or some basic attributes would give us a lot of customizability. Right now, it seems like the quick launch forms have to be very generic, and we can’t limit or guide the users based on who they are. Or collect some limited info and then launch a new form, but that user experience isn’t very good.

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For the widget, we’re just pulling in the form functionality to be launched from the home page, instead of having to do so through workflows. Form inputs are supported from workflows and drive logic within the forms. The forms to be launched from the Widget are just capturing whatever data you are passing in. I suppose you could create a pre-launch form to fill in information then trigger a workflow that sends a secondary form. This would all be configured on the workflows side, though.

@Tyler_Harman - correct but my point being having information about who launched the form from the Widget would give us the ability to provide contextual information or limit specific actions through the conditions. From what I can tell, if you launch from the quick launch, no inputs are provided to the form conditions.

Gotcha. Yes, that is correct. I’ll see if there’s anything we can do from our end or if it needs to come from the forms side. Thanks!

That would be great - maybe if the form has inputs such as launcher.{attribute} and launched from the widget the MySailPoint team could provide the basic identity attributes or info, and otherwise if launched from a workflow we can specifically pass it in.


Do u have any idea about when it will be available for all end users? In our implementation we need to allow end users to launch forms
Thanks in advance

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Hey Juan

This is absolutely on our roadmap, but unfortunately, I don’t have any timeframes to share yet.


Just make it more like IIQ Quicklinks where we can do identity pickers and have launcher info.
Have wanted this since i first started working in IDN from IIQ.


Added an Idea for this:

Support User Context in MySailPoint Forms | SailPoint Ideas Portal

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