Limit Email Sending for Exception Identites

Which IIQ version are you inquiring about?


We are going to be onboarding a specific set of users through our normal Joiner workflow. In the Joiner, there is a step that send an email to the managers that their employee is set up.
However, this email is not wanted for this specific set of employees. Is there a way to make an exception to the workflow without having to create a new custom workflow?

Hi Alyson,
Please add a transition condition in your previous step of Send notification

 <Transition to="Send Notification">
Identity user=context.getObjectbyName(Identity.class,identityName);
return true;
return false;

if you define location variable in workflow, then you can use as below as well
<Transition to="Send Notification" when="script:("USA".equals(location)  "/>
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You could also use a ConditionScript. This way you provide logic to run that step or not. It will only execute if your logic returns true.

  <Step action="sendEmail" name="Send Email">
        return "USA".equals(location);
    <Arg name="template" value="..."/>
    <Arg name="to" value=".."/>
    <Transition to="..."/>

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