If anyone is using the Generic SDIM Service Desk connector and is having trouble / issues getting it to work. I was able to make it work by modifying the object using the VS Code tenant module. Ticket fetching, status mapping and status updating are all working correctly. You can modify your status map to fit your requirements / itsm instance. In the example we are using an ITSM filtered query for the exact ticket number since we cannot use $ticketID (ticket number) as a “unique key” compatible with ITSM e.g recId. It is very important to send the attachmentToDelete as specified, otherwise you will encounter an error since ITSM expects this value and sailpoint natively strips null values from requests, this is why “attachmentsToDelete”: will not work, but “attachmentsToDelete”: [[“”, “”]] or “attachmentsToDelete”: [ [ null, null ]] will work as the object gets successfully sent. You must include the [0] to catch the first result when returning filtered queries, “responseElement”: “$.value[0].Status”.
When configuring the connector, use basic auth and use whatever you’d like for the username and password.
Additional information found here for finding your parameters here: Create a Service Request
Here is the example configuration:
"generic": {
"checkStatus": {
"headers": {
"Authorization": "rest_api_key=<your-api-key>",
"Accept-Encoding": "gzip, deflate, br"
"statusMap": {
"Submitted": "Queued",
"Closed": "Committed",
"Fulfilled": "Committed",
"Error": "Failed",
"Cancelled": "Failed"
"resource": "/api/odata/businessobject/servicereqs?%24filter=ServiceReqNumber%20eq%20$ticketId",
"responseElement": "$.value[0].Status",
"statusMapClosureCode": null
"provision": {
"headers": {
"Authorization": "rest_api_key=<your-api-key>",
"Accept-Encoding": "gzip, deflate, br"
"request": {
"attachmentsToDelete": [
"strCustomerLocation": [],
"localOffset": -330,
"attachmentsToUpload": [],
"strUserId": "<id>",
"subscriptionId": "<id>",
"parameters": {
"par-<id>-recId": "<id>",
"par-<id>": "IT Security Architect",
"par-<id>": "Ivan Valadez (ivaladez)",
"par-<id>": "8067759858",
"par-<id>": "Testing 12345678",
"par-<id>": "[email protected]",
"par-<id>": "Testing 12345678",
"par-<id>": "IT Security"
"requestRootElement": null,
"processResponseElementExpression": null,
"resource": "/api/rest/ServiceRequest/new",
"responseElement": "$.ServiceRequests[0].strRequestNum",
"requestRootElementType": "JSONObject"
"username": "int"