ISC Parent Entitlement data empty while mentioning results

Hi all, :slight_smile:

If I go to the identities page, choose an identity, click on the accounts tab, choose an account, click on any entitlement (without any parent entitlements) and click on Parent Entitlements, I see the following:

It is mostly a empty screen, but it does say 1-50 of 631254 Results with some arrows. Here, 631254 is the total number of entitlements we have, regardless of source (the total matches what we see when going to ui/a/admin/access/entitlements/landing-page).

Why does it mention this number if it has no parent entitlements at all?
I notice the same issue on a different (new) IdentityNow tenant.

If I click on the arrow button to display the next (51-100) ‘Parent entitlements’ it will show a loading screen that never stops ‘loading’.

This issue is fixed. Parent entitlements tab seems to be removed when there are no parent entitlements anymore.

@community_moderators: Please apply the tag fixed to this post as I can’t do this myself.

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