Hi Experts,
How to create the response required external trigger in ISC.
Hi Experts,
How to create the response required external trigger in ISC.
@chandramohans27 - You mean response of the API endpoint workflows/execute/external/ ?
YOu will only get the below response:
"workflowExecutionId": "<internal execution ID>",
"message": ""
Could you please elaborate on what are you trying todo?
I’m assuming that, like myself, @chandramohans27 is looking for a way to populate that message property with some value from the workflow. In my testing, this is not possible. The response for the /v3/workflows/execute/external endpoint is provided immediately upon the execution of the workflow - it is not waiting for the workflow to complete before returning the response.
Being able to create a custom API endpoint or response would be a very nice feature. It looks like IIQ may have a CoLab plugin for this, but not ISC.
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