We are trying to import non-employees as People profile in NERM. Now, we have a profile search attribute which has a value with a comma in it. Importing a csv is not able to escape the comma.
We have tried many things to escape the comma but it does not work.
I have not personally tackled it in NERM but had resolved the issue for direct APIs by changing the csv content. Can you please try below
Wherever, we have comma in the column value → need to wrap that column with double quotes for example Jone,Doe will become like “jone,Doe”
wherever we have double quotes in the column value → we need to replace double quotes with \" , so jone "Doe will become jone \"Doe.
wherever we have double quotes and comma both in the column value → we need to replace double quote (“) with \”" and wrap that value in double quotes e.g.
jone, doe “barry”, David → changed to → “jone, doe \”“barry\”“, david” .
Please check it with one user first and see if that helps.