Non-Employee Risk Management is making it easier for users to find what they need with new Profile filters that can be saved and shared with others!
Non-Employee Risk Management users expect to see the Profiles they manage, such as non-employees, assignments, and organizations, displayed in the table on the Profiles page. Previously, while users could define filters based on Profile attributes, they couldn’t save these filters for future use. With this new feature, users can now save filters for later use or modification and share them with others.
- Users have difficulty finding the profiles they need on the primary Profile table in the application, and if they wish to filter the results down based on certain criteria, they must define these filters again every single time the visit the page.
- Users need a consistent, performant approach to advanced filtering for Profiles, including saving the filters for later use and sharing the filters with other users.
- Currently, the product has two paths for filtering profiles: filtering on the Profile data tables, and using the Advanced Search. With the implementation of read-optimized data storage, the Profile Data tables offer superior performance and latency times compared to Advanced Search filtering. The primary reason a user would choose to use Advanced Search, rather than filtering the Profile table, is that Advanced Search allows for saving filters for future use.
Improved User Experience, allowing users to more easily navigate Profiles page
- Dropdown selector for Profile Types, eliminating tabbed view.
- Easier and more flexible filter definition UX.
Saving filters
- Save filter conditions for the selected Profile Type.
- Optionally save conditions for additional Profile Types.
- Modify existing saved filters and “save as” new filters.
- Automatically apply saved filters to profile table.
Sharing saved filters
- Share saved filters with User Roles.
- Users with a role will be able to access Saved filters to view only what they have permission to view.
Who is affected?
All NERM customers will be receiving this feature.
Action Required
We encourage customers to begin using the Profile Tables to Save Filters, rather than the existing Advanced Search.
At some point in the future, we will deprecate the existing Advanced Search filter. This deprecation will not coincide with the rollout of the new Profile Save/Share filter feature and will be communicated well in advance.
Important Dates
(Updated 10/11)
Previously scheduled for October 7th & October 14th, 2024, the Rollout dates have been updated to:
October 28th, 2024 - Begin customer sandbox tenant enablement
November 4th, 2024 - Begin customer production tenant enablement