IIQ SCIM API Token Generation

Which IIQ version are you inquiring about?

Version 8.3

Share all details related to your problem, including any error messages you may have received.

Hi All,

I have create an identity in IIQ local, and provided SCIM Executor and Web Service Executor as Capabilities. After which i have configured the API Authentication and generated Client Id and Client Secret. After which when i go to postman and try the get a token i get below error. The url used is http://localhost:8080/iiq8.3/scim/v2/oauth2/token and in body we have grant_type = client_credentials

“schemas”: [
“detail”: “User does not have access.”,
“status”: “401”

Hi @arijitdas ,

The token url is in below format.


In your case, it should be something like this, if iiq8.3 is the folder name.


You can refer this for more information on OAuth authentication in IIQ.
OAuth 2.0 (client credentials) as a token-based protocol for API authentication - Compass (sailpoint.com)

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