Unable to get OAuth2 in IdentityIQ v8.1 working

I am using the SCIM APIs for user properties on IIQ v8.1. I am trying to enable Oauth2 but getting an error. I followed this wiki article: https://community.sailpoint.com/t5/IdentityIQ-Wiki/OAuth-2-0-Client-Credentials-as-a-Token-Based-Protocol-for-API/ta-p/77630

Below is a screenshot from the oauth token request made via postman and the error:

Any help appreciated!

Your client id/secret should be base64 encoded as a basic authorization header instead of in the body.

Authorization: Basic XXXXXX

where XXXXXX= base64Encoded(clientID:clientSecret)

The body just contains the grant_type still as you have it.

Thanks @derek_hackbardt it worked!