What problem are you observing?
A role with entitlement with value “Explorer (Read-only)” is not being assigned as detected.
What is the correct behavior?
Other roles with similar entitlement values assigned are being assigned normally.
What product feature is this related to?
Identity IQ detected role assignment based on entitlements on application link.
What are the steps to reproduce the issue?
Create application “Test_Webservice_App” that would have object types: Account and group as in following schema:
... *App definition start*
<Schema displayAttribute="Attribute1" groupAttribute="" identityAttribute="Attribute1" instanceAttribute="" nativeObjectType="user" objectType="account">
<AttributeDefinition name="Attribute1" type="string">
<AttributeDefinition entitlement="true" managed="true" name="licenseModel7" schemaObjectType="model7License" type="string">
<Schema aggregationType="group" descriptionAttribute="" displayAttribute="licenseModel7" identityAttribute="licenseModel7" instanceAttribute="" nativeObjectType="licenseModel7" objectType="model7License">
<AttributeDefinition entitlement="true" name="licenseModel7" type="string">
... *rest of app definition*
Import a managed attribute into IIQ with :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE sailpoint PUBLIC "sailpoint.dtd" "sailpoint.dtd">
<ManagedAttribute attribute="licenseModel7" displayName="Test_Entitlement_Explorer_Read - Bug" type="model7License" value="Explorer (Read-only)">
<Reference class="sailpoint.object.Application" name="Test_Webservice_App"/>
Create an ability role and add the imported entitlement for the role.
Proceed with creation of link for identity with imported entitlement.
Refresh the identity with link with entitlement → identity does not receive the role connected.
Do you have any other information about your environment that may help?
IIQ version 8.3