Role not get assigned or triggered for the identity!

Hi All,

check this link : How to create entitlement manually in webservice connector?

I have created an dummy entitlement through public api which i have hosted in github and i have used that endpoint in webservice connector.

Successfully got the entitlement into IDN and revert back to original endpoint of webservice.

I have created the Test Role and attached the entitlement directly from the webservice source and add the Identity directly and do the role refresh, but nothing happened in IDN.

Any idea how to resolve this issue?

This exact role assignment on the identity issue is occurring for me, as well. I am also using a webservices entitlement in the role.
Role not appearing on Identity - Identity Security Cloud (ISC) / ISC Discussion and Questions - SailPoint Developer Community Forum

Hi Kumar,

I faced a similar problem,we have a connector that we just need to create and deactivate the accounts and has no entitlements.

In the account aggregation we could see a attribute called “site_admin” that can be true or false, even though seems to set some entitlement at the target system is just a dummy attribute. So I mapped this attribute as entitlement and works just fine for my use case. I can create and disabled accounts based on this attribute.

May not be the best solution but works.

UPDATE: My issue was with the attribute I was trying to use as an entitlement did not have “isGroup” set tot rue in the account schema page. You can verify if this is your issue or not by creating an access profile and try to assign your entitlement to the access profile. If it freaks out and doesn’t allow you to assign the entitlement to the access profile then this is likely the cause.

Note to SailPoint: we do not get any errors when assigning invalid entitlements to roles like we do when assigning to access profiles.

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