How to create entitlement manually in webservice connector?

I have onboarded the webservice connector into sailpoint and successful test connection.

I want to do the provision the account but don’t have any entitlements in the connector.

Created the entitlement schema with following attributes: id, name, displayName and description.

So tried to create entitlement using this api import-entitlement-csv | SailPoint Developer Community but getting 500 Internal Server error.

Is there any way to add the entitlements manually? Any solution will be appreciated.

Shantha Kumar

Hi @Santhakumar,

The import entitlement csv is supported only for delimited source as you can see in the documentation:

You will need to create entitlements in the source application manually and do an entitlement aggregation making use of the entitlement aggregation operation in the Webservice connector.

Hi @jesvin90, I don’t have any GET operation in my webservice connector trying to add single entitlement to do the provisioning but not able to do it and also I am not familiar with webservice connector also.

I know in IIQ we can create account without entitlement using Account Request but in IDN we don’t have any similar way to achieve this right?

So any idea how to try this approach?

Hi @Santhakumar

According your request, this topic is related with the following issue:

Please, check this topic to know if this solve your issue

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Hi @ismaelmoreno1 I have configured as you mentioned but i got 0 entitlement when I run the entitlement aggregation.

Did i miss anything here?


hi @Santhakumar

This filter only is valid if you are using xpath, but in case of JSONPath you must use a filter similiar like this or other filter valid to retrieve a static value:

$.value | ["EntitlementTest"]

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@ismaelmoreno1 ok. But i have tried with public API to create a dummy entitlement now i got the entitlement into IDN, will try your method and let u know if it works.


Hi @ismaelmoreno1 I have created an dummy entitlement through public api which i have hosted in github and i have used that endpoint in webservice connector.

Successfully got the entitlement into IDN and revert back to original endpoint of webservice.

I have created the Test Role and attached the entitlement directly from the webservice source and add the Identity directly and do the role refresh, but nothing happened in IDN.

Any idea how to resolve this issue?

Hi @Santhakumar

According your initial request this topic it will be resolved, becase finally entitlement was created manually.

To check or review the new error, please mark to solve this topic, and if you consider, open new topic with the new issue

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